Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stuck in Florida (Part 2)

The weather forecast for today was for a "save it" day; clear, sunny and temperatures in the mid-60s. No way was I spending any time inside, I wanted to find something to do outdoors. I’m a big fan of racing and yesterday I noticed some racing people at breakfast. I asked what they were in town for and they said there was an ARCA race at Palm Beach International Raceway (the old Moroso Motor sports Park). Since I really wanted to ride a bicycle Saturday I wasn’t interested in the ARCA race. But last night I did check out their website and noticed in addition to the road course and drag strip they had added a kart track to the facility.

Years ago, probably in the early 90’s, I’d driven at Moroso in a Formula Ford at a Skip Barber Racing School. And for several years in the mid to late 90’s I had raced karts (yup that's me in the picture above). This idea is getting me excited! So off to the race track!

The facility just recently changed hands and they have leased the karting portion to MRP Motorsports. MRP is the importer for Birel karts (the last brand of kart chassis I raced) and owns a track in Michigan. I met Ron, an accomplished kart racer, and the manager of the karting facility. In addition to running club races at the track they also rent “fun karts” to the public. Ron showed me around the shop where in addition to about 30 fun karts they also had shifter karts (6 speed transmissions) and several categories of Rotax engined karts.

When I raced karts my Birel  frame was fitted with a Yamaha 100cc engine that produced about 15 HP. The Rotax engine produces about 32 HP. In a slightly over 100 pound kart frame that is a significant amount of additional power. OK, twist my arm; I want to try the Rotax kart.

I was introduced to Tim. Tim is helping the new owners get the operation started; he owns the Oakland Valley Race Park in Cuddleback, NY. I actually raced a couple times at Oakland Valley and enjoyed talking shop with Tim. Tim had the mechanics set up my kart, fit my seat and get it ready. Tim introduced me to Dan a Brazilian kart racer that works there and would be my racing partner. The track would allow groups of people in the fun karts out, or Tim (who was coaching some aspiring new kart racers aged 6-9 years old) out with his group and Dan and I would slot in between the groups and run 10 lap sessions. Dan would lead and I would follow him for part of the session and then I would lead and Dan would follow me, so we could analyze my lines and speed during the breaks.

The first session out and WOW this thing is FAST! Tremendous acceleration and according to Dan able to pull over 2 G’s in the corners; I was quickly reminded how physical this sport is. It’s a good thing they planned short 10 lap sessions because at the end of 10 laps I was ready for a drink of water and a rest.

With all the people there and the much needed rest periods between sessions I made a day of the kart racing. At the end of the day I was physically exhausted but had a smile that couldn’t be wiped off my face.

Work tomorrow and then fly back to NJ.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Trapped in Florida...

What a winter!  Another big snow, lots of wind to boot and where am I?  At the airport on Friday trying to fly back home for the weekend.  All the flights on Friday morning out of West Palm Beach had already been canceled but my 11:55 flight was still listed, albeit late.  Good news when I got to the gate, the aircraft was already there; no having to wait or chance it won't come due to weather. 

Ultimately my flight was cancelled too.  People were freaked out in line, complaining that they "had to get home" and this was unacceptable.  I always felt when the airline doesn't want to fly, what the heck I'm with them, let's not fly.  When this happens and many airports close it backs up the system everywhere, particularly because of the amount of air traffic in the northeast.  I could hear people in line on their cell phone making reservations on other airlines into the NY area later that day.  Another problem as these seats they are booking are duplicates of the reservation(s) they already have.  You could stay at the airport all day and standby on every flight but I'd rather get pins poked into my eyes.  I took the first confirmed seat available when I finally got through to the airline, which is Monday.

There are worse places to be stuck for the weekend.  Although people here are complaining about how "cold" it is!  Look at the weather here; it beats the hell out of snow and freezing!

Now I thought I had this snow thing beat.  Wayne and TJ both purchased snow blowers after the last storm and I figure it won't snow (at least not any significant amount) for at least 5 years.  Wrong!  Not only does it snow but Wayne is having so much fun blowing snow he's started a new club, SNOG the SNow blowers Owners Group.  He is trying to come up with activities for the snow blower in seasons other than winter!  Good luck.

So what to do this weekend?  I could rent a bike and ride north to Daytona as Bike Week opened on Friday. 

It sounds like a good idea until you think about the 180 mile ride and the best way to go is I-95.  You could ride along the coast, which is nice.  There are beautiful stretches of pristine beach on the way to Daytona.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday riding on my rented bike.  A little windy as you can hopefully see the wind sails of the wind surfers in the picture above.

OK I'm busted, my wife suggested renting a bicycle.  I've been bitching about how long it's been since I've been able to get out on my bicycle, due to the amount of snow along the edges of the roads.  This was a perfect opportunity to get in some major mileage in some beautiful weather.  I was able to get in over 50 miles of biking today.

Above is a picture of me and my bicycle having lunch in Delray Beach at a very nice sidewalk restaurant.  I got some nice comments from people walking past about how nice my bike was (just like if I were on a motorcycle in Daytona).

Hope to see everyone next week for the trip to Long Valley Pub and Brewery.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Polar Bear Grand Tour - Firehouse Eatery - Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Last Sunday we had a beautiful day as we rode east to Bahr's Landing in Highlands NJ.  Our group was seated at several different tables, and those of us at the table I was seated at were served by the phantom waitress.  She greeted us, served our drinks, took our lunch order and then disappeared.  Once we eventually got our lunch we were unable to pay as our waitress was no where to be found (must have been fishing with our bill as bait in Sandy Hook Bay).

Sunday we visit Firehouse Eatery in Rahway, NJ.  One of my Polar Bear friends purchased a new snow blower last week after all the recent snow storms.  This would normally guarantee that there won't be any measurable snow for many years; yet the weatherman is now forecasting another storm this week.  So much for global warming...  Fortunately temperatures should be well above freezing after the storm and the sun is high in the sky helping to clear the roads of that nasty white stuff (the snow but not the salt).  I'm thinking since I washed my bike last Sunday, I must have negated the snow blower purchase jinx with the bike washing jinx.  Or is it spending the week in sunny Florida, I'm repaid by returning to a pile of white $hit in my driveway!

We'll meet on Sunday at McDonalds on Lincoln Highway in Langhorne for a prompt 10:15 am departure.  Please have a full gas tank and empty bladder upon arrival.  Watch this blog for any last minute changes.


Well the snow blower jinx didn't work and my flight back from Florida today was cancelled as the airports in the New York area were all shuttered due to snow and high winds.  So I'm telling everyone there's good news and bad news; my flight was cancelled and I'm stuck in Florida until Monday.  You Polar Bears are on your own Sunday and maybe I'll drive up to Daytona to check out Bike Week.  Hopefully I'll see you'all next week.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Polar Bear Grand Tour - Bahr's Landing - Sunday, February 21st, 2010

This Sunday the Polar Bear Grand Tour visits Bahr's Landing in Highlands NJ.  A group will be meeting at McDonalds on Lincoln Highway in Langhorne PA for a prompt 10:00 AM departure.  Please come with a full gas tank and empty bladder.  Last Sunday the snow must have gotten the better of many of our normal group as only 4 of us made the Valentines Day trip up to Hooter's.  It was a nice sunny day and we traveled some decent roads, which were surprisingly clear of any snow and ice.  Remember to check here for any last minute changes.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Polar Bear Grand Tour - Hooters Wayne NJ - Sunday, February 14th

This week the Polar Bear Grand Tour visits Hooters in Wayne, NJ.  This seems an appropriate destination for Valentine's Day! A group will meet at McDonalds on Lincoln Highway in Langhorne, PA for a prompt 9:30 AM departure.  Check this blog for last minute changes and updates.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little too much snow...

No where near as much snow here as in Philadelphia and southern NJ, but enough.  I've got my driveway clear but the cloudy skys won't allow enough solar radiation to melt the final coating.  I might be able to slide out tomorow but there is no way I could ride the motorcycle back into the garage!  So I won't be able to make it to our meeting place tomorrow; let's hope next weeks weather is better.  Back to NASCAR qualifications...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Polar Bear Grand Tour - Sunday, February 7th - Landslide Saloon, Pattenburg, NJ

Last week the snow fractured the group as local roads in the Philadelphia area hampered the best efforts of some to make it to McDonalds on time.  Three of us rode up together and then Rob and Mike D. met us at The Exchange.  It was a beautiful afternoon (no rain!) and we took a nice ride through the NJ countryside back to LTC.

This week the Polar Bear Grand Tour visits Landslide Saloon in Pattenburg, NJ.  A group will meet at McDonalds on Lincoln Highway in Langhorne for a prompt 10:15 AM departure.  Full gas tank and empty bladder please.

Watch this blog for any last minute changes to the schedule due to weather or other circumstances.

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