Saturday, February 27, 2010

Trapped in Florida...

What a winter!  Another big snow, lots of wind to boot and where am I?  At the airport on Friday trying to fly back home for the weekend.  All the flights on Friday morning out of West Palm Beach had already been canceled but my 11:55 flight was still listed, albeit late.  Good news when I got to the gate, the aircraft was already there; no having to wait or chance it won't come due to weather. 

Ultimately my flight was cancelled too.  People were freaked out in line, complaining that they "had to get home" and this was unacceptable.  I always felt when the airline doesn't want to fly, what the heck I'm with them, let's not fly.  When this happens and many airports close it backs up the system everywhere, particularly because of the amount of air traffic in the northeast.  I could hear people in line on their cell phone making reservations on other airlines into the NY area later that day.  Another problem as these seats they are booking are duplicates of the reservation(s) they already have.  You could stay at the airport all day and standby on every flight but I'd rather get pins poked into my eyes.  I took the first confirmed seat available when I finally got through to the airline, which is Monday.

There are worse places to be stuck for the weekend.  Although people here are complaining about how "cold" it is!  Look at the weather here; it beats the hell out of snow and freezing!

Now I thought I had this snow thing beat.  Wayne and TJ both purchased snow blowers after the last storm and I figure it won't snow (at least not any significant amount) for at least 5 years.  Wrong!  Not only does it snow but Wayne is having so much fun blowing snow he's started a new club, SNOG the SNow blowers Owners Group.  He is trying to come up with activities for the snow blower in seasons other than winter!  Good luck.

So what to do this weekend?  I could rent a bike and ride north to Daytona as Bike Week opened on Friday. 

It sounds like a good idea until you think about the 180 mile ride and the best way to go is I-95.  You could ride along the coast, which is nice.  There are beautiful stretches of pristine beach on the way to Daytona.

It was a beautiful day on Saturday riding on my rented bike.  A little windy as you can hopefully see the wind sails of the wind surfers in the picture above.

OK I'm busted, my wife suggested renting a bicycle.  I've been bitching about how long it's been since I've been able to get out on my bicycle, due to the amount of snow along the edges of the roads.  This was a perfect opportunity to get in some major mileage in some beautiful weather.  I was able to get in over 50 miles of biking today.

Above is a picture of me and my bicycle having lunch in Delray Beach at a very nice sidewalk restaurant.  I got some nice comments from people walking past about how nice my bike was (just like if I were on a motorcycle in Daytona).

Hope to see everyone next week for the trip to Long Valley Pub and Brewery.

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